Sky High Energy™ for Calves Energy, Electrolyte, Vitamin and Fiber Supplement

$209.95 $229.95


Sky High Energy™ for Calves

Energy, Electrolyte, Vitamin  and Dietary Fiber Supplement

Recommended for Calves from Newborns to Weaned

SKY-HIGH ENERGY is a natural, non-medicated source of readily absorbed nutrients combined with the hydrating power of an advanced electrolyte formula.  An easy to administer solution for preventing dehydration and loss of nutrients that occur in animals experiencing diarrhea (scours) and poor intake.

SKY-HIGH ENERGY contains a broad portfolio of key vitamins and minerals that energize and protect the animal during times of stress and weakness.

SKY HIGH ENERGY provides energy, electrolytes, vitamins, and dietary fiber for weak or dehydrated calves.  This unique formulation helps calves to recover more quickly from dehydration.

Benefits Include
* Unique hydrating formula that gets the calf energized quickly
* Balanced nutritional support to include a complex of B Vitamins, as well as Vitamins A, D, and E
* Natural plant fiber formula coats the digestive system to ensure maximum nutritional absorption
* Promotes appetite and vigor, getting the animal to a healthy stage quicker
* 100% water soluble

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